Thursday, August 02, 2007

Good to the Last Bite

The other day we bought a couple of amazing mangos from a street vendor. They were the largest I have ever seen! I think we payed 17 RMB for 2... so they were a little more than a dollar a piece. Not an especially good price for a piece of fruit, but these were so large! They were beautifully ripe, just perfect. The six of us shared one after dinner. When we were finished with the fruit, Gwen enjoyed gnawing the last yummy bits off of the long, flat seed. (Do you call it a seed, in a mango? Maybe it is a pit. Anyway, she loved it!)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That is a huge mango pit. Seed. Stone. Whatever. It's Huge. Must have been a whopping mango!

And did Gwen get a haircut?