Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sorta Like It Here

Caleb just told me that he sorta likes it here. What does this mean, I asked him. Well, think of all the things I've gotten to do that I wouldn't have done if we were still in Illinois. Think of the friends I've met.

Think indeed.

We've had a great weekend.

This afternoon at our church service the person making announcements in the service had people who were there for the first or second time stand up. As we stood and looked around, we saw no less than a dozen families standing, in this smallish church. We are not alone in our newness! After the service we met several other families- one of whom adopted their fourth child from China a year ago... they offered to have us over for dinner soon. Amazing. We spoke to another man who told us about the small group they belong to, one that has a number of families with children of all ages... right up our alley.

After church we went to dinner with another new family that we met after the service. They've just arrived here in Shanghai, more recently than us. They have two boys who love skateboarding and will be going to Concordia, where our boys will attend. They have a three year old daughter. Their boys told Caleb and Seth about the biggest skate park in the world... it happens to be here in Shanghai, and they've been to it twice already. Caleb was hooked. The dinner and subsequent hang out together time after was just what he needed. I enjoyed Marybell so much... she has such a tender heart and is excited to see what God has planned for their family in bringing them to Shanghai. It was so neat to hear their story... we agreed to get the kids together later this week. Amazing...

Last night we invited some other new friends from our complex over for a glass of wine. They are the ones who will be here for just one month more, and then will return to the States. So this friendship is a very short term one, but a pleasure none the less. The boys played Clue, the girls played beauty parlor, the adults chatted. Amazing... we had real company at our new place. How does God put this together?

We also had good relaxing time with our family this weekend. Some time at the pool, guys working out, Scott and I out to dinner alone, walking to the store for milk, playing a board game together, reading, pedicures for Madelyn and I (Madelyn's first!), no yard work (apartments are nice that way).

So many good things... and then there is the news this morning of little Nathaniel's birth, a miracle baby that we have prayed for before his conception... he's far away in the Midwestern US, but God is there, and here... and everywhere.

I guess I'm a little overwhelmed tonight, as I think about it. Caleb's comment set me off... he sorta likes it here. Is this the same kid who had a wave of discouragement about our move wash over him last night at bedtime? From him, the "sorta like it" is the same as a resounding, "Hurray! I LOVE it here!" from someone more demonstrative.

I'll take the "sorta" and run with it. God is a big God...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

And think: This is Just The Beginning!!!

Rejoicing with you!