Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Scenes from an Open Market

A couple of us went on a little outing this afternoon... we had heard there was a market just off the island where we're staying. All kinds of weird things there, we heard. It took us a little time to find the correct bridge and get off the island, but once we did... well, it was a like stepping into a different world. We were absolutely the only westerners~ three women with cameras and two of us carrying Asian babies... let's just say we were pretty conspicuous. Much of what was for sale was unrecognizable to us. We were able to identify dried starfish and sea horses, and what looked like dried snakes. There were lots and lots of live turtles, all sizes, for sale. There were tubs of live scorpions, and the women at that booth were spooning them into empty plastic soda bottles. When we asked our guide later what they were for, she said they boil them and drink the liquid to help stomach ailments. Pepto Bismol would be fine for me, thanks!
One of the turtle booths


Johnny said...

Hiya, I've been lurking a bit. However, I wanted to pass on my congrats for your recent addition to your family. It's always a good thing to see. Best wishes for you and your entire family.

(a question: other blogspot travelers to China to adopt have noted difficulting in uploading and reading their posts from some cities in China. I noticed you didn't seem to have that problem?)

Dianne said...

Hello there.I just want to say that I really enjoy reading your blogs despite I just read some of them today.

I hope that you would add more heart warming experiences and stories on your blogs.

More power to you and your family.

--- Dianne from the Philippines :))