Monday, May 07, 2012

Outside the Orphanage

I've posted previously about the local orphanage that I visit weekly with a group of women.  I took this picture there this morning.  Do you see what is hanging from the circular drying rack?  It is several panels cut from plastic packaging from disposable diapers.  The orphanage uses disposables only when they have them donated, and the rest of the time they use cloths or small towels as diapers and the plastic packaging from disposables is wrapped over the cloth and tied around the baby's middle to provide a waterproof covering.  The plastic panels are then washed and reused many times. 

I'm not sure if I am just getting used to the poor conditions at this orphanage, or if it isn't as bad as I thought initially.  I've been pleased to note the workers (2-3 in a room of 25 or so special needs kids) interacting playfully with kids here and there.  These children can smile and laugh.  They are fed.  There are many volunteers that come through and give these little ones small doses of love and attention.  Yes, they are still orphans.  The chances of their circumstances changing are low.  But as a wise person noted to me, these are "the ones the Lord loves the most."  I know He sees them. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes He does! The phrase I have come to love in the face of challenging circumstances is, But God! Mom