Sunday, August 29, 2010


Gwen has had a great start to first grade at Concordia... mostly. There have been a couple of days, today among them, that she has not wanted to go to school. Tears flow from puffy eyes, and "I want to stay home with you" is the phrase repeated again and again.

Sigh. I know it's a normal phase, part of adjusting and all that, but to a former home schooling mama, it cuts deep. Fills me with all kinds of doubts about our decision to send our youngest child to school all day. I didn't do this with the other kids. They got to stay home with Mommy.

Gwen's lovely teacher, Mrs. Norton, came out into the hall and welcomed my weepy girl with open arms this morning. She admired her hair ribbon and guided her gently into the classroom. I stood outside the room, out of sight, for a couple of minutes, and then walked back down the stairs and out of the building.

Sigh. I know she is in the palm of the hand of the One who created her. I know He has given me good things to do while the kids are away at school. This isn't how I did it before. That can be okay... I think.


park it said...

Rest Easy - I get the i want to stay home with you too sometimes - I tell her -well mommy is not at home - I am out with clients at meetings and helping people - but if you stayed home - how could you learn all the cool things your friends are learning -yep - the tears just flow on some days! Hope tomorrow is better - we love ya!

Anonymous said...

May God fill you with peace and wisdom, and her with joy and comfort. My oldest has cried a lot too.


Renee said...

Hi Lynne! It's been so long! I miss you! I felt the same tears with Hunter last week at middle school...and then this week with Luke. Tears flowing as they are still adjusting to being somewhat "new" kids. I realized, too, that they are in good hands--our Lord who knows them better and what they need. But, I still cried. Love you, Lynne!

Rebecca said...

Bless you, Lynne. I miss talking!! Love you.