Monday, March 22, 2010

Closing in on Boracay pictures...

Well, it's been a month since we returned from Boracay, so I'm guessing that the statute of limitations for posting vacation pictures is about up. Trying to squeeze in a few more here to convince you that God might be calling you to serve Him on this beautiful island! :-)

Seth runs to jump on his skim board... he and Lance rented a couple from some local boys one afternoon for an hour and had a great time!

Gwen was forever trying to catch one of the elusive little fish that swam by the shore. One day Lucas actually got one for her, pictured here in her bucket. She's pretty pleased!

Snorkeling day, heading from one spot to the next~ Caleb, Scott, Rich and Sue

Lucas, Caleb, Lance and Seth do their daily workout on the boat.
Here's Gwen's version of snorkeling. With a life jacket and goggles, she managed to get her head under the water enough to get a pretty good glimpse of what was under the sea!
At one of the places we stopped to snorkel, this fellow on his teeny little boat was peddling coconuts from boat to boat.
Shell search
I guess that's all for now... can't promise I won't do another post, though! We got together with the Allens the other night to swap all our photos, so now I have even more to work with. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing photographer!