Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Light For the Way

This past summer my mom introduced Gwen to the idea of adoption in what I thought was a very gentle way. She pointed out an airplane passing overhead and suggested that perhaps the people on that plane were going to China to get their little girl. Gwen picked up on this pretty quickly and would point to every plane with the comment, "China? Girl?"

She has continued to do this from time to time, and we have also told her from time to time that we came to China to get her. I was never sure how much of this was registering.

Yesterday she and I were in the car together, and out of the blue, with no airplane in sight, she said, "Go China, get girl? Go China, get Gwen?" I was so pleased! I answered affirmatively right away. One more little step in understanding the miraculous way she joined our family.

It's a little like picking my way up a rocky cliff in the pitch darkness, this parenting thing is. Throw in an international adoption and you've got another little element to navigate. There is One who says He will be a light to my path... I am So Grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lynne, A Light for the Way makes me weep so! It is so true! We can never know how it will all come together, but as we seek Him, He gives wisdom at just the right time. He is so awesome!!! Love, Mom