Thursday, February 09, 2006


Gwen has a strange fear of toy alligators. We seem to have several around our house... maybe as many as four. The first one she saw was one that we keep with the bath toys. I put the basket of bath toys in the tub with her one of the first nights she was home with us. She pointed and scooted away from that alligator. She wanted it out. When she saw it in the bathroom at any other time, she would point and back away, a concerned look on her face and making her all purpose noise- "Uh, uh."

Since then I've noticed that she has this same reaction with the other various alligators around our house. She will be happily playing in the basement, when suddenly she spots one. Points, backs away, concerned look, "Uh, uh." I put it out of sight and she's fine.

Yesterday we were all in basement. We were working on picking up the toys, that never ending task. I was putting away Playmobil. Now, we have a good variety of Playmobil animals. Gwen was playing with something nearby, so I decided to test her plastic animal fear. How about the tiger? One of the scarier animals, as scary animals go. I showed it to her- nothing. No problem. Okay, how about the bison? We have a Playmobil bison. A large animal. No reaction from Gwen but mild interest. What about the bear? Another scary one. I even made it growl at her. She smiled. Then came the Playmobil alligator. I don't think she had ever seen the Playmobil alligator. The ones she had pointed at and backed away with her concerned look have not been this one. Maybe this one is fine. I bring it into view. "Gwen, look." Uh oh. Concerned look, backing away.

Gwen does not like toy alligators.


Anonymous said...

That's ok, at least that one kind of makes sense. I was afraid of umbrellas until I was about 3...

Rebecca said...

Here's a guess: Could she be associating the alligator with a dragon? Dragons are related to alligators, after all, if anything is.

Dragons are, I'm sure, omnipresent in China, with a Very positive connotation. But could it be a negative association for Gwen, who might imagine it to be related to her home before her Home? She doesn't want to go back.

Okay, that's enough psychoanalysis from me. Chalk it up to having read an essay by Freud earlier in the week. I'll let it go now....