Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Interim Trip

With only a backpack on his back, Caleb left this morning for a seven day trip. Along with two teachers and a group of twenty-some other high school students, he will be spending the next week on Gulangyu Island, off the coast from Xiamen, a city in the southeast of China across the bay from Tiawan. They will be participating in an Outward Bound adventure consisting of high and low ropes courses, GPS orienteering, river treking, and hiking, while cooking for themselves and camping at night. They will be doing a fair amount of journaling during the week, to be used both for personal reflection and also for presentations after the trip.

I can't wait to hear about it!


Anonymous said...

Hey that is the island we went to this summer. I will be interested in hearing what he ends up doing there. I wish I had known there was a river and hiking. We only spent a few days at the beach. But this island was the best of the two. We stayed in Xiamen where the beaches where not too clean.

Laura said...

Sounds really fun - if I had been the parent, I probably would have wanted to stow away in his backpack or be a chaperone. What could be worse for a kid??!