Thursday, July 03, 2008

Purse Contents

As I scrounged through my purse this afternoon, I found a mixture of China and the US.

-Currency, of course. Both RMB and USD are in my wallet.
-A receipt from the beach shop earlier this week.
-A slip of paper with the address of a friend in Jinqiao, on MingYue Lu.
-Chewing gum purchased at the Food Lion here on the island.
-A ticket stub from a show Maribel and I took the girls to at the Pearl Tower Theater the week before we both left for the US.
-the non-resident card library card I got to use the computer here in NC.
-the list of ideas for a home school co-op I made at our last meeting in June.
-our membership cards for the pool by our new place in Jinqiao.

It's all mixed together in my purse... and that seems just fine. Pieces of both worlds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have found a few pieces of our time in Shanghai, part of me does not want to let go, wants to hold tight to anything that will keep my heart there. Maybe I can use them in my scrapbook...maybe I can relive the experience if I look at them...maybe for a moment I can if only in my mind be there right with you. My heart is like a purse it holds pieces of all those little things that make a lifetime. You are in my "purse" love you. Maribel