Monday, May 21, 2007


It takes a long time, it seems. Tonight I have emptied several suitcases, but the largest one is still full. It waits for me at the bottom of the stairs, too heavy for me to carry. Scott will bring it when he comes up. Most of the clothes I've unpacked today were clean, a definite benefit, but they still needed to find their homes in various bedrooms and dressers. Suitcases aside, the house is in a state of general disaray... mail in stacks, bags of books to empty and put away, shoes scattered in the kitchen and front hall, and tonight I noticed there were even a few shells on the kitchen floor.

Going to the beach for a week is an event... and so is coming home.

1 comment:

Kayce said...

Welcome home! Almost thought you were posting about unpacking in China!