Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Morning in Shanghai

This afternoon we head to the US for Christmas!  Can't wait... looks like there is even snow in the forecast!  This morning we had our own family celebration together, kind of a tradition now to celebrate in our Shanghai home, to have a "Christmas morning" a week or so before the calendar says December 25.  We started out with the girls taking turns reading the Christmas story from Luke.

 Madelyn found this mini MacBook Air for her tech-y brother Seth... really a little mirror.  :-)
Madelyn's creative gift certificate for her other brother... can you tell what it is from the graphics?  Took him a few minutes to figure out!

 "I Love Shanghai" shirt from my guys... love these two guys!
 Caleb found this phone holder that makes the phone look like the bag car phone Scott had twenty years ago... are we really that old?!
 Letter jacket!  Seth turns 15 in a week... and graduates in 2015.

Mosaic lamp... I took a class in September to learn how to do this... been saving it for Madelyn since then. 
Last was a bone for Trigger... she's been gnawing on it since she opened it.  Should keep her busy while we're away!
We're on our way to you, dear ones.  Can't wait to see you all.  :-)


jodymcnatt said...

i just love all these pictures lynne! you liptaks are beautiful!

Judith and Lance said...

What a sweet post! We are having our family Christmas tonight b/c we leave for OK next week.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Love seeing a bit of your life! Mom

Lynne said...

So nice of you to say, Jody, when we all were unshowered and still in our pajamas. :-)

Mary and Justin said...

Can't wait to see you! Can't wait to see you!

Hazel's mom said...

So what was Caleb's gift? I love Scott's phone holder - how funny. And yes,we are old. Eric had a bag phone too before his brick. Wishing you all a great Christmas trip to the States!

Sarah Jane said...

Fun times. Love the lamp!

Rebecca said...

Bag phone?? How did I miss this?

Call me!!! Wait, I left my cell phone at home. Call Bill!!!

Elise said...

It has been delightful to read a bit about the beautiful testimony God has been building within your family! Thanks for taking the time to share about and with such joy!