Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We Have a Puppy

...on our street, not at our house. I haven't given in yet! The neighbors two doors down have a miniature dachshund named Taz. He's been home only about 3 weeks, and of course he's grown by leaps and bounds, but he's still pretty small. We get to see Taz quite a bit, partly because the weather's so nice and they have him out a lot, but also because the neighbors have employed Caleb to take Taz out at lunchtime for a bit of playtime since they are all gone all day. It's been great for my kids to get their puppy fix this way... great for me, too! Better it live at someone else's house! But Taz is a cutie, and it's been lots of fun to play with him.

Gwen is a dog lover, but tends to love dogs from a distance and in books (she kisses their picture!). Up close dogs are a little scary, even very small dogs like Taz. And the licking of the face... well, that's just a little too much for her to take!

Alright Taz, I've had enough of you for today!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Oh my gosh! This cracks me up! I love her little scrunched up face!!

Oddly enough, our Gwenny got her FIRST doggy "kisses" yesterday at the park. She's wasn't very enthused about it either!

