Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It was a sledding birthday...

Seth's 10th birthday party was this last Saturday. Yes, he turned ten nearly two months ago, but he really wanted to have a sledding party this year and we had to wait for the right weather! Saturday turned out to be the perfect day for sledding. After a frigid week, we had a sunny, nearly 20 degree day with no wind. The boys had a ball! They enjoyed the sledding so much that we stayed at the hill much longer than we intended and hadn't even had cake or presents yet when their parents arrived to pick them up!

Here Seth and Scott go for a double down the hill!

See the sledding hill in the background? The boys took a short break from sledding to check out the frozen lake where an ice fisherman (no, we don't live in the Arctic... it really is the midwest!) was drilling for a new fishing hole. Facinating!
Cheering for a great run down the hill!
I love this picture... Seth is literally flying right out of it! Can you tell how much fun he's having?! You've got to admit you're jealous, you Floridians... you know who you are! :-)

Back at home... for lunch and a treasure hunt, then Seth's choice of a fruity rice krispie treat cake! Here he is, ready to blow out the candles!
It really was a fun party... Seth declared it the best ever. I felt even in the midst of it that it might just be one of those experiences that the memories of it will live with him forever, reminding him of how very much he is loved. I pray that it is so!

1 comment:

park it said...

ok so it looks like fun for ummmm 2.5 seconds - then the big ole baby in me cries - I am soooo cold!

Love from Florida - where it was 72 today!
c & k
ps Happy Birthday - and yes it really does look like fun - can this be done in sandles - I am so useless :-)