Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday Shopping

I now remember that in one of my very early posts from China, when we had first arrived, I noted that it was not a good idea to go grocery shopping on the weekend. It is just insanely crowded.

Earlier today I forgot that I had made that mental note, and went to Carrefour to shop in the late afternoon. The store was very busy, but not as unmanagable as it had seemed when we shopped on the weekend the day after we had arrived here at the beginning of July. It probably seemed more managable today because I was not extremely jet-lagged or shopping with all my children, like I was on that first trip to Carrefour.

What I noticed today was that all sixty-three of the check out lanes were open. So I actually didn't have to wait that long to pay for my groceries. Yes, you read it correctly. 63 check out lanes. All open.

There are a lot of people in China.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
