Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Little House on the Prairie Girl

Madelyn and I have been reading the Little House books together. The series was my absolute favorite growing up, with the exception of By the Shores of Silver Lake, which I did not enjoy for some reason and read only once. Anyway, Madelyn had the chance to live the stories this week while she attended a little camp for a couple of hours each day at a pioneer farm. They gathered eggs, made cornbread and stew over the fire, churned butter, made a candle, went fishing, washed clothes on a washboard, and even visited Mr. Edwards! They were all given a sun bonnet to keep. Here's my prairie girl!


Anonymous said...

I want to see more such beautiful smiles from Prairie Girl. The bonnets are the cutest!

Jan W.

Rebecca said...

How adorable! Emma Grace has a bonnet like that, too, and we're starting to get into _Little House_. What fun!!

Gwen said...

Oh wow! My oldest absolutely loves the show! We are collecting the series. I grew up on it! So far we have up to season 5. She has the books but for some reason she doesn't get into them. She would have loved to go to something like that!!! We visited the Wilder home when we were in the area and that was a big thrill for her (and me I have to confess!)

How fun!

Lynne said...

Gwen, I have to tell you that I read your blog often, though I don't think I've ever commented. It's neat to read your thoughts!
Wondering where exactly the Wilder/Ingalls homes are? I would love to visit!