Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prom...Can it be?

If he is old enough to reach this milestone, how old does that make me? :-)
Caleb and Kate with their good friends Ben and Joy. They posed for moms' cameras and then they were off! Bunch of the guys coming back here to crash after, then a group of the kids are all gathering for breakfast tomorrow. Finals ended yesterday, internships start on Monday... fun weekend in between!


Anonymous said...

Oh WOW! They look fantastic!
Can this really be little Caleb??
Hope he & Kate had a great time!
~Aunt Jenna

Rebecca said...


You are Very Young. Very, very young.

Sarah Jane said...

little Caboo with the smile that took over your whole face. You are not so little anymore.

Mary and Justin said...

How is he old enough to go to prom??!! They look so great!!