The girls are next door on the neighbor's trampoline. The boys are across the street at school, playing basketball with friends. I am sitting out on our little deck, having just finished preparing some chicken to bake for our supper tonight. Scott has probably finished up work for the day and is getting in the car about now to make his way across the river home to us.
There are less than two weeks of school left before summer vacation, and only a little more than two weeks until the kids and I head back to the US for the summer. Only one month until Scott heads back to the US to join us and together we join his family for a week at the beach, something we've all been looking forward to. I am excited for summer and the time we'll have with the people we love, but I'm not anxious to leave as I have been other times. The characteristic steamy, sticky Shanghai summer is late in arriving this year, so the weather has been lovely, but more than that I am more and more aware of how much I love this community, the people we've been privileged to meet and the life God has given us in China.
I said good-bye to a dear friend today. It's the time of year for good-byes in Shanghai. She and her family are moving back to the US tomorrow, after nine years here in China. Oh, how I will miss our honest conversations and her listening ear. She and I walked together, through the city streets on the Puxi side of the river where she lives, chatting as if it were any other day and not our last day together. She had a few last minute purchases to make, so I joined her in her errands. On the walk back to her house we stopped at a little stand for a made-to-order sushi roll. We chose the fillings, watched as the woman working the stand put the rice on the sheet of seaweed, added the fillings, and rolled it up. It looks so easy, I told my friend. Maybe I'll try to make it at the beach this summer...
It's Memorial Day in the US. I heard a patriotic song on a US radio program I was listening to online, and I felt a pang. It's not Memorial Day here. Have I taught my kids enough about the great country America is, the sacrifices made for the freedoms enjoyed there, unlike anywhere else in the world?
I've been holding babies recently, beautiful, sweet babies with bright eyes and wide smiles. They are orphans with varying medical needs, being cared for through several different venues run by expats here in Shanghai. God has opened up several opportunities for me to be a part of these ministries, right on the heels of Madelyn starting school. I am in awe of how God has given me significant ways to use my time.
Speaking of school and Madelyn, she is doing beautifully. She tells me many details each day about her friends, her teachers, the games they play in PE, the conversations at the lunch table, the prayers they say before lunch, the songs they sing in music class, etc, etc. It's wonderful to see her blossoming. Her writing, one area I felt I was weak in teaching her, has amazed me. She is incredibly creative! God makes a way when I thought there was no way.
I have more I could say, but I think I'll stop for now. Thanks for listening. :-)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Show Me The Money
Justin took this shot of us outside the village of Xingping, near Yangshuo, at the spot that is the image on the back of the 20 RMB bill. I tried to play with the color in our photo to make it similar to the coloring on the money... couldn't quite get it the same, but I had fun trying. :-) I'm sure you'll notice the similar topography in the two images below.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
This Very Good
Mary and Mr. Wu, April 2010
Mr. Wu, our driver, has been with us since we moved to Shanghai, nearly three years ago. He met us at the airport when we first arrived. I remember in the early days how I would sit silently in the car with him, wishing we could communicate. Very quickly he began to attempt to use the bits of English he knew, and he taught me bits of Chinese.
Mr. Wu's English has progressed far faster than my Chinese. In my defense, he did study English when he was in school. But he has made huge gains to my baby steps in his speaking abilities in the three years we've been here, despite my lessons. He's always a bit rusty from lack of practice when we return to Shanghai after being away for the summer, but he quickly gains back his temporary losses.
Mr. Wu's English has some very distinct qualities to it that we often adopt when we speak with him. Some examples are "I very like this", or "This very no good." Those of you who have been to visit us and have enjoyed some time in the car with Mr. Wu know what I mean! It's easy to fall into his slightly stilted way of speaking, especially in order to communicate with him in the way that is easiest for him to understand.
Today Mr. Wu said something in a manner he has never used before. It so surprised me that I thought about it to myself for a minute or two before commenting to him. He has a sunshade that he puts in the windshield of the car when he is parked to keep the sun from beating in and making the car too hot. As I got into the car around mid-day today, a very warm day, he said of the sunshade and its usefulness, "I love this."
I have never heard Mr. Wu use this very American-sounding phrase. In the past he has always used, "I very like this" in a similar situation. When I pointed this out to him, and how American it sounded, he got his characteristic big grin on his face and laughed.
If only my Chinese was progressing as Mr. Wu's English has. I don't think any Chinese person will ever tell me that I sound Chinese!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Heading up into the bamboo!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Big Brothers, Little Sibs
Caleb and Gwen, Austin and Jason
Last weekend a number of the families in our church small group spent a couple of nights in a beautiful, remote area a few hours south of Shanghai called Moganshan. It is heavily wooded with bamboo, and there are also many tea fields. It was a misty, rainy weekend, but we enjoyed hiking through the hills all around us. Caleb and his friend Austin did a bit of toting of their little sibs on our hikes, although Gwen loves to be in the lead and often ran ahead of our whole group of 20+ people, leading us all on our strenuous up-and-downhill treks. :-)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Check Him Out!
Friday, May 07, 2010
"I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip, He who watches over you will not slumber." Psalm 121: 1, 2
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
M & J Faces
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