Monday, December 28, 2009

Sledding, and a whole lot more

Last week before Christmas we were able to snatch some precious time with the Stevensons. We see these dear friends so rarely... whatever time we can spend together is a gift. Rebecca is the wordsmith among us, so if you'd like to read her description of our eight hours together, click here. For my part, I'll say that it was so great to do again what we always do when we're together... play, eat, and talk~ about jobs and kids and parenting and movies and God... and everything else we can squeeze into our too infrequent visits.

The playing this visit took the form of a sledding venture that was enjoyed by us all!

Our crew together... how did we end up with all these big kids? We're just four college friends who laughed and talked into the night and dreamed of what it would be like to grow up some day... look what happened!
We love you, friends.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

What a joy to find this year, Lynne. We did make the most of our time, didn't we? The pictures are great. I'm laughing especially at Madelyn's hat (the one you wouldn't wear) and Emma's face in that last picture.

How very rich we are. Love you!