Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gwen Stuff

Guess who tied my running shoes for me this morning? She came home from school yesterday so excited to show me that she can tie now!

She has a loose tooth, too... it's very loose, but she is nursing it along and not wiggling it much, just playing with it with her tongue now and then. I thought for sure it would come out by then end of last week, but it's still hanging on. :-)


Donna said...

Two very significant milestones! Congratulations, Gwen!!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Anonymous said...

I love Gwen stuff... particularly the pic on your last post. Mama's tender hand against her sweet face... the apology of one ambitious little being ... SO very precious!! You are such a wonderful Mommy Lynne - Love you!!
~ Tracy

Anonymous said...

I have an idea for you. I saw some creative ways to pull a loose tooth on AFHV (America's Funniest Home Videos). My favorite was a dad that tied one end of a string to a kids tooth and the other end to the back of an arrow. He then shot the arrow from a hunting bow. The tooth flew right out. I think you should give this a try.
-Uncle Shann