Monday, August 10, 2009

Blogging Slowly

I haven't kept up with blogging recently.  It's not because I've stayed away from my computer, though.  Actually I've been spending quite a bit of time on old blog posts... trying to create a hard copy of past posts for myself.  There is a nifty program called Blurb that has free software (BookSmart) for creating books of many kinds, including books from blogs.  I decided to begin with my first post about us moving to China, and go through our first year there.  Well, apparently I was a bit too prolific in my posting, because I am at nearly 200 pages in the book and only through November of the first year!  Yikes.  Anyway, that's what I've been up to.

In other news, my guys are back to civilization after a week long canoe trip in the Canadian wilderness.  They had an awesome time, and I am as anxious to see their photos as I am anxious to see their faces!  The boys will be back to me tonight, while Scott will head directly back to Shanghai.  We'll all be together again on Friday afternoon, when Scott meets the kids and I when we land at Pudong airport.  Can't wait!  It's been a month since Scott and I were together and I'll say it now-  What were we thinking?  A month is way too long!

Lastly, here's a photo from our visit with my sister and her family last week.  We went into Philadelphia and hit a few historic hot spots, including the Liberty Bell.  I'll be posting a few more pictures from that visit in the next day or two.  
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