Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wearing Words

I understand the need for boys to occassionally write important items to remember on their hands, but must they use a Sharpie to write it? I am a little tired of seeing the words "bring article" emblazoned across Seth's arm in bright blue for the last week.

Does anyone know how long it takes for permanent marker to wear off of skin? He showers every day, but it shows no signs of letting up so far.


park it said...

So why would you do that - when you can text it to your self???

Hope all else is well!

Anonymous said...

He could try fingernail polish remover. I use it to take permanent marker marks off of white boards.

Jennifer J said...

did you try a little rubbing alcohol...maybe on a little patch of skin first. :-)

Anonymous said...

There is an upholstery and carpet cleaning warehouse between our house and Nanny and Pa's on Jaycox to which I had to take our big cozy chair to because Emma Clare assaulted it with bright magenta permanent marker. They removed the stain after everything I tried failed! We could take Seth when you all come home for Christmas. :)Now I have an idea for a Christmas present for Seth! Don't worry it is not the carpet cleaning place!
Love, Aunt Jenna

Anonymous said...

My kids write on their hands/arms during swim season (they write down the events they swim for the meets). Usually a little soap and water and a good scrub will get it off!
Good Luck!

jen chaye