Caleb, who didn't want to go to this market in the first place, couldn't tear himself away from the turtles once we got there. The fact that they were only 5 RMB (less than a dollar) a piece made them very attractive. He bargained for turtles, a bowl, and food. He bought three of these little tiny guys.
We had another stop to make after leaving the market, so we left the turtles in Mr. Wu's care in the car. When we got back to the car, he told us that one of the turtles was crippled, and he thought we should take it back. Caleb had already phoned his friend Lucas to tell him of the fantastic deal turtles were, so he wanted to return to the market anyway to buy turtles for him. We did round #2 at the market, bought more turtles, exchanged the bowl for a cooler tank with a little hill in the middle, and in the end decided to keep the crippled turtle... shouldn't we be the ones to care for it?
Here he is, grinning about the possesion of these pets.
Very cool enhancement, Lynne!! I love these little turtles! We had one from the fair one year that we ended up releasing in the pond in our neighborhood. I think he may have ended as someone's snack.
~ Tracy
How cute! What a great pet!
Caleb when I was a young girl about 7 or 8 I had little turtle.
His name was Oscar. I'm not sure how long I had him. But due remember his neck got real big. So the story goes that I flushed it down the tolet.
Love Nannie
That is a really good picture with the turtle on his face. Maybe you should put it in a photo contest.
We had little turtles like that when we lived in Japan! I loved them, but they didn't last long.
We also had beetles. Which we accidentally drowned during a water fight when we left their little houses on the edge of the porch.
We also had a dog. For about a week. It bit my father and my sister, and now my dad can't get his wedding ring off.
That's all.
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