Monday, January 01, 2007

Enjoying (and sometimes sharing) Technology

Seth picked out a song Gwen really likes for her to listen to... a song she calles "Two Beat"... anyone else like that one?!
Here are Gwen and her cousin Caden caught in a rare moment of sharing... we had just a few issues with this last week while we were together! My sister was heard saying, "So help me, you too!" in frustration at their lack of sharing any number of times! The height of the issue was revealed when Gwen and Caden were found to be arguing about who the zero on the digital display of the bathroom scale belonged to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kids are priceless! Zach & Olivia have gotten into quarrels over similarly off-the-wall topics like the "zero on the scale" before and I just get such a chuckle out of it. :) God has instilled in me a sense of humor that was lacking in their earlier years--and I am so thankful for it. I think of all the joy I would be missing now if I was so serious. :)