Feeding newborn Cabbage Patch babydoll, Savannah. Serious business!

Teaching Savannah a thing or two in the car on the way to Aunt Jenna and Uncle Andrew's house for Christmas dinner.

My children and their cousins making lovely faces as they pose with their grandparents!

My sister and I with our girls... see the coordinating jumpers? I got those last year off a winter clearance rack when the baby was brand new and Gwen was about 5 inches shorter... we couldn't imagine then that they would fit them this year!

Nanny admires the ornament Madelyn made for her.

Opening stockings on Christmas morning!

That jacket is a little small for you, Seth. Who could it be for?

Gwen is excited about what she found in her stocking... it was a two pack of pacifiers! Scott had the idea to try this as a ploy to end the nighttime bottle (only water... it's a comfort thing) she takes to bed. I was extremely doubtful that she would accept them. When she pulled them out of her stocking, she said "For baby?" Scott explained the switch from bottle to pacifier... believe it or not, she bought it! She hasn't asked once for the bottle, but that pacifier has been firmly in her mouth all night long! I'm not sure we really traded up...

Seth and Madelyn cuddle on the fleece pillow she made for him.

Madelyn, Seth and Caleb display their new t-shirts.