Tuesday, October 24, 2006

On Becoming Playmates

"Gwenny, you want to get on my back? Say Giddy-up!"

"Gwenny, want to pretend we're froggies?"

"Gwenny, let's pretend the couch is our home."

Madelyn and Gwen are playing together, really playing. I can't say when it began in earnest, but the last few weeks Gwen's speech has exploded to the point where she is just plain talking. Maybe this makes her seem like a more viable playmate to Madelyn, I don't know. I do know that it cracks me up when Gwen crawls around on all fours panting, pretending to be a puppy. Gwen's ablility to pretend makes interaction with Madelyn more fun for both of them. Between the talking and the pretending, I think Madelyn can see real potential here, for her sister to be her friend!

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