"Mom, if Gwen were falling off a mountain, I would save her." This quoted by the girl who just a couple of weeks ago was tearfully telling me how hard it was to be a big sister. And then also, "If there were a fire in our house, I would grab Gwen out of her bed and run down the stairs with her." Amazing progress... Madelyn has come a long way since Gwen came home and turned her world on it's ear!
Perhaps it has something to do with being six. Madelyn had a birthday this week, and though she has still asked to drink from a bottle like her sister, she is seeming More Grown Up. Could it be the effect of wearing the very lovely dress she picked out when she was on a date with Daddy on her Birthday Eve? You'll notice she wore this dress the bulk of the day, even when frosting her cake and at her choice of a birthday lunch spot, Burger King. She is certainly looking more grown up.
Tonight Madelyn hurt herself in some small way and was fussing about it... not quite crying, but almost. Gwen noticed her distress and was concerned. To Madelyn's delight, Gwen came over and hugged her! I can't be sure, but I think Madelyn may have prolonged her tears so that Gwen would repeat the hug! This sort of action from Gwen has gone a long way towards Madelyn feeling better about being a big sister. She can't wait for the day when Gwen is out of the crib and sharing her double bed... I know she imagines whispering in bed at night and giggling together!
My sister and I are seven years apart. I don't know how much we really played together, with that space of years between us. I know how proud I was to be able to take care of her when she was a baby. We always shared a bedroom, and one thing I remember well was Sarah waking me at night... "Lynne? I had a bad dream. Can I come in your bed?" She would run over and snuggle under the covers with me, and be back to sleep in a minute. I loved being that source of comfort for her.
Madelyn wants that closeness with her sister... and I think it is definitely beginning to grow, as she grows up into her new role!
Birthday breakfast... candle in a pancake!

Wearing the beautiful dress from Daddy

Frosting instructions for Gwen

Lunch at Burger King... and a gift from Maxwell

Wearing a new nightgown~ about to blow out candles!