So now you've seen all the images we have of Gwen. Although she's not smiling in this one, I like it a lot. I think I like it because of the cute yellow sunshine sandles. Those sandles make me feel like someone is really taking care of Gwen. They were chosen for her, maybe to make her smile. They make me smile! I also like this picture because she is holding some toys. You know how toddlers like to carry things around, kind of get attached to having something in their hands? I'm glad for Gwen that she gets to do this where she is right now, at the Yibin Child Welfare Institute.
I hope we get to see this place that has been her home. Usually adoptive parents do not meet their Chinese daughters for the first time at their orphanage anymore, although I know it used to be done this way. Now it is at a hotel, or a civil affairs office. Sometimes orphange tours can be arranged by the agency a few days after you meet your child, but sometimes not. I hope we can see this place, so I can tell her I was there and know some of her history before she came to our family.
Our three and half year old niece is visiting this weekend. (Thank you for letting her come, Jenna!) She has lots of questions about Gwen, as you can imagine. Her little sister (who is nearly the identical age of Gwen, as is our nephew!) came to her the more familiar, biological way... Madelyn seems to be getting a new sister in a very different way! I'm enjoying talking to her about Gwen. Her questions are so innocent and sweet. But it makes me think about the questions we will have to answer about Gwen and for Gwen, for many years to come. I pray that God gives me the right words for the answers!
Yes, I know what you mean about the sandals and the toys, that does say a lot! Will you have to wait until you get there to see if you can tour the orpahanage?
Love, Mom
She's very beautiful and you are very blessed.
She looks like a little peanut! A cute little peanut!- Andrea
She looks like a little peanut! A cute little peanut!- Andrea
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