Things are happening... we have no travel news yet, but progress is being made!
I ordered a t-shirt for Madelyn over the weekend with this "Big sister" design on it, and it came today. It's really cute, don't you think? I'm not sure when I'll give it to her, but I thought maybe she could wear it to the airport when she comes to meet her sister for the first time. Tears come to my eyes every time I think what that moment will be like... can't imagine the rush of emotions as we introduce our children to each other!
We have sent our visa applications to a courier to submit them to the Chinese consulate for us. We should get our passports with the appropriate stamp in them back by the end of next week. Did you know that's all a visa is? A $50 stamp on one page of the passport, giving you permission to enter the country. I had no idea! Once the visa application is processed, the visa is valid, so technically we could be ready to go by the end of next week... if the visa were the only thing we were waiting on. It isn't!
Last night I went to bed at midnight, but could not get to sleep, probably because Scott was still downstairs, watching the 13th inning of the World Series game. I lay there for about 10 minutes, thinking about Gwen and our Big Trip, then decided not to waste my time in bed when I was wide awake. I turned on a little light in the girls' room where Madelyn was fast asleep and proceded to sort some of the clothes I have in Gwen's dresser. I was trying to choose some things that I want to take with us to China. Funny task for after midnight, I know, and made all the more difficult by the dim lighting! Even though we know her age and the size she supposedly was two months ago when her height and weight measurements were taken, I still feel unsure about whether I have things that will fit her or not. I think we'll probably take 4-5 outfits in a couple different sizes, and then plan on buying things for her there. Clothing is apparently amazingly inexpensive in China. Shoes I don't know what to do about... I can't really be taking a variety of sizes of shoes with me. I suppose she will have some on when we get her, and then we'll go from there!
Next week, the beginning of November, we should be receiving our travel approval. Travel approval is NOT travel dates (I wish!). It is just approval from the China Center for Adoption Affairs for us to come to get our daughter. Once our agency has that official permission, then they are able to request appointments at the American Consulate in Guangzhou. With the confirmed appointments in hand, then they can finalize all the travel plans. So travel approval is really just one more step of "red tape", but it means progress to us!
I guess that's all for now... God is so good to fill our days with things to do and ways to serve while we wait... the time is flying by and soon our family will all be together in the same country, under the same roof!