Scott left just a moment ago, at 11:50 pm, to go pick up Caleb from school, where he and the rest of the eighth grade will be returning to from the airport after their trip to
Yangshuo. Seth's group returned late this afternoon, and he was full of stories.
His favorite activities were repelling, from quite a high cliff, and
He made new friends, and admitted that Ernest, the boy he roomed with who bothers him by singing softly during math class, is really an okay guy.
He related to me the details of the funny skits the teachers did for them at night around the campfire.
He taught me the little tongue twister chant that one of the
ChinaClimb leaders taught the kids... I told him he must remember it to tell his own children when they someday ask him at bedtime to tell them a story about when he was a kid.
He learned how to stick his thumb through his ear from someone who's name may have been Nick, and he taught several kids his own levitating trick.
He ate a lot of Chinese food. He told me he didn't have any vegetables the whole time, but he did have a lot of fruit, especially oranges. There were orange groves within view of the place they stayed.
His face is a little pink from the sun, but not bad considering he forgot to wear any sunscreen, and he was happy to brush his teeth tonight when I suggested it, because he realized he hadn't brushed them the whole time he was away.
He made the catch on the Leap of Faith activity, which involves climbing a vertical ladder about 25 feet up to a tiny round platform where he had to stand and then leap off to catch a hanging trapeze. The kids were in a harness for this activity, by the way!
He was very happy to get into his own bed.
I am anxious to hear Caleb's stories!