Sunday mornings are busy. I usually check to make sure the boys have something clean and unwrinkled to wear, something appropriate for church, but for the most part I spend time getting myself and the girls ready... which takes a bit of effort!
Today I let the girls sleep until the last possible moment. I made sure I was completely ready before going into their room. Seth was up and ready. I had gotten a polo out for him, only to discover that he was downstairs already, wearing a red polo and some black shorts and looking fairly put together. So I went back to the girls' room, woke them, picked out clothes, changed a diaper, dressed them, fixed their hair, found sandles, and took them down for breakfast, with precious few minutes to spare. We ate a quick bowl of cereal and got in the car.
As we were pulling out of our neighborhood onto the main road, I glanced over at Seth, sitting next to me in the front seat. I realize with slight horror that his entire left knee is caked with dried blood and dirt. Lovely. This was obviously left over from yesterday, as he had not showered, and although he was working on something in the garage while I was dressing the girls this morning, I didn't think there was dirt or bodily injury involved in that project. He had gotten home at a quarter to nine last night after spending the entire day at a friend's house. Somehow the mud and blood had escaped me, and was not visible when he was standing up because his shorts covered it.
Well now, doesn't my child just look so put together and well cared for? It was too late to go back home for him to clean up, we were already a few minutes late. Really all I could do was chuckle, and tell him to go to the restroom at church and clean it off with a wet paper towel when we got there.
If I didn't miss my guess, I'm pretty sure he had yesterday's socks on too, now that I think about it. Perhaps Seth needs a little more attention from Mom on Sundays.